




In My Project I do Following things,

  1. I have one imageview on that i draw one selection box with border now i want to cut some portion from the imageview. than email it.

  2. I done crop section as well as email it from the IBAction(Button Event).

  3. Now I'm use UIPopoverController see when user click on selection box now user see the one UIPopoverController with attached UISegmentedControl(With "Email" and "Highlight" Index name) that all thing is done.

4.Here I do when user touch the selection box at that time i crop the image and then when UIPopoverController is arise user click on "Email". In Email content user see that crop image which is crop by selection box.

In my program this 4th part not done : So please help me friends,,,

this is the code for crop the image and save it in appdelegate imageview. that appdelegate imageview. i do Email it but i cann't get it yet

UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(myimg.bounds.size); [myimg.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext();
appDelegate = (ImgDemoAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
appDelegate.tempImageView = [HotspotView imageByCropping:viewImage toRect:previewRect];

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