For my tests, I need to create a simple app on the iPad to step 1. loads an image from the Photo library (UIImagePickerController). step 2. Then, this image is converted into texture and displayed into an OpenGL ES view.
I started to define the app with the XCode Open GL ES template. Step 2 is Okay. But I have a problem launching the UIImagePickerController (step 1).
On iPad, to create a UIImagePickerController, we need to use a UIPopoverController. But to create a UIPopover, we need to attach it to a content view controller
In my app, I dont want to define a specific view controller (Navigation or SplitView or TabBar...). I just need to have the UIImagePicker displayed on full screen when launching the app.
I am looking for a programatical solution with a minimum of lines of code added from the Open GL ES iPad template, to perform step 1 (step 2 is okay for me).
any code available? Thank you for your help Seb