Hello, I use Owasp Anti samy with Ebay policy file to prevent XSS attacks on my website.
I also use Hibernate search to index my objects.
When I use this code:
String html = "special word: été";
// use the Ebay configuration file
Policy policy = Policy.getInstance(xssPolicyFile.getInputStream());
AntiSamy as = new AntiSamy();
CleanResults cr = as.scan(html, policy);
// result is now : "special word: été"
result = cr.getCleanHTML();
As you can see all chars "é" has been transformed to their html entity equivalent "é
My page is on UTF-8, so I don't need this transformation. Moreover, when I index this text with Hibernate Search, it indexes the word with html entities, so I can't find word "été" on my index.
How can I force antisamy to not transform special chars to their html entity equivalent ?