




My data model is made of Schools and Students. Students have a FK to the School they belong to. I do not understand why the collection contains duplicates, i.e. Joe, Joe, Mary, Mary, Tom, Tom, etc The SQL query generated by Hibernate is correct and does not return duplicates. I could implement a hack to filter out duplicates, but I am not ready to live with a broken window yet ;) I have tried to paste the relevant pieces of code below. Any help greatly appreciated!

// SchoolJpa

@OneToMany (
    mappedBy = "school",
    targetEntity = StudentJpa.class,
    fetch = FetchType.LAZY,
    cascade = CascadeType.ALL
public List<Student> getStudentsInternal() {
    return super.getStudentsInternal();

// SchoolImpl

private List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();

public List<Student> getStudents() {
    return Collections.unmodifiableList(students);

public List<Student> getStudentsInternal() {
    return students;

public void setStudentsInternal(List<Students> students) {
    this.students = students;

Hard to say from the piece of code but:

  1. Unlike sets, lists typically allow duplicate elements (yes, I noticed you said the query doesn't return duplicates but I wanted to point out that you're maybe not using the right collection type).
  2. Make sure you implement equals/hashCode properly anyway (I suspect a problem at this level).

Actually, can you show the whole mappings? I'm not sure to understand why you have several getters and setters on the same field.

Pascal Thivent
equals/hashCode are correctly implemented. Using a Set actually solves the problem, but I consider this as a hack. setStudentsInternal/getStudentsInternal is for Hibernate only (these methods are not defined on the interface) - the collection is encapsulated with addStudent, removeStudent and getStudents that returns an unmodifiable collection.
@Francois: Using a `Set` is not a hack but it might be hiding the real cause of the problem (that's maybe why you call it a hack) but I can't say anything more if you don't provide more code (the exact mappings). Also, providing the table content and the query/queries performed would help.
Pascal Thivent