



So I'm creating a few webapps that need to be tested over our local network, the projects currently sit on my MacBook which uses the built in Apache "Web Sharing" server.

When developing locally, I just modify my hosts file and httpd-vhosts.conf to create virtual domains for each of my projects, and everything works fine and dandy.

The issue I'm running into is that now I have to test on networked iPads and iPhones, and the url for my project is no longer http://project.local but rather http://192.168.x.x/~user/project.local and all of my paths are now a mess, breaking the projects.

Whats the best way to serve up these pages without having to change all the relative paths manually?


+2  A: 
  • Either jailbreak iPads / iPhones, and alter /etc/hosts
  • Or just add the sites on different port numbers locally (192.168.x.x:80 => site1 192.168.x.x:82 => site2 etc.)
+1  A: 

Set up an HTTP proxy.

I use Charles on my desktop.

You can configure it at the bottom of the settings page for the specific wi-fi network you are connected to.

The proxy will make use of /etc/hosts on the machine it runs on.

David Dorward

The solution here was to map one domain on my router to always forward to my webserver and just change the local mapping of that virtual domain to whatever project I need to access at the time.
