I just migrated my server's photos to an S3. Everything seems to work swimmingly except one little catch.
If a user chooses a photo from his existing media, the server returns a 500 error. I assume this is because it might still be either looking for it on my local, OR it doesn't draw from the photo model appropriately :
a. From my local :
Errno::ENOENT in PhotosController#edit
No such file or directory - photos/213/original/1.jpg
RAILS_ROOT: /Users/triphizzle/Sites/hq_channel
b. From my staging :
Just a 500 error
The source of the error this is a portion of the photos controller :
def edit
@gallery = @organization.media.find_by_media_id(params[:gallery_id]).media
@photo = @gallery.photos.find(params[:id])
crop if params[:crop]
How it works:
This opens the gallery.
def set_search_image
= link_to 'from media', organization_media_galleries_path(@organization, :type => 'search_image'), {:class => 'button get_media'}
They choose a gallery with this javascript :
$.ajax({type: "GET", url: $(this).attr("href") + '?hide_nav=true&type=#{params[:type]}', dataType: "script"});
return false;
So far this all works!..all the thumbs galleries have active links to the S3..
Then I click on a photo.. :
- if params[:hide_nav]
$.ajax({type: "GET", url: $(this).attr("href") + '?crop=true&type=#{params[:type]}', dataType: "script"});
return false;
= link_to image_tag(photo.photo.url(:cropped_thumb)), edit_organization_media_gallery_photo_path(@organization, @gallery, photo)+"?crop=true&type=photo", {:class => 'edit_photo_link'}
Blam! It breaks! I looked at the path that it's look for and it checks out on the S3. It's the right path, the models are set up appropriately because I can upload/view/edit images I set up there.
One more additional note, is that it trades two models.
Here's a snapshot of the two..
Photo Model :
has_attached_file :photo,
:styles => { :cropped_thumb => {:geometry => "115x70#", :jcrop => true}, :resized_thumb => {:geometry => "115x70>"}, :deal => {:geometry => "64x56#"},
:cropped_large => {:geometry => "#{PHOTO_IMAGE_WIDTH}x#{PHOTO_IMAGE_HEIGHT}#", :jcrop => true},
:resized_large => {:geometry => "#{PHOTO_IMAGE_WIDTH}x#{PHOTO_IMAGE_HEIGHT}>"},
:orig => '300x168>',
:cropped_orig => {:geometry => '300x168#', :jcrop => true},
:resized_orig => {:geometry => '300x168>'} },
:processors => [:jcropper],
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml",
:path => "photos/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:bucket => 'hq-photo/root/system' # TODO: this needs to be a constant based on env
And this is the search image S3 info in the Organization model:
has_attached_file :search_image,
:styles => { :orig => "300x400>",
:cropped => {:geometry => "#{SEARCH_IMAGE_WIDTH}x#{SEARCH_IMAGE_HEIGHT}#", :format => :png, :jcrop => true},
:deal => ["64x56#", :png],
:thumb => {:geometry => "80x58#", :format => :png, :jcrop => true} },
:convert_options => {:cropped => Proc.new{self.convert_options},
:deal => Proc.new{self.convert_options_thumb},
:thumb => Proc.new{self.convert_options_thumb}},
:processors => [:jcropper],
:storage => :s3,
:s3_credentials => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/s3.yml",
:path => "search_images/:id/:style/:basename.:extension",
:bucket => 'hq-photo/root/system' # TODO: this needs to be a constant based on env