



This is the problem:

Function Name: randomSentenceRedux


1.string – a string object to manipulate

Return Value:

A transformed string where the words from the original sentence are in a random order.

Test Case(s):

>>>print randomSentenceRedux("My name is Sally Sue") 
My is name Sue Sally 
>>>print randomSentenceRedux("hello") 
>>>print randomSentenceRedux("Don't scream at me!") 
Don't at scream me! 

Description: Write a function to randomize the order of the words in the input string string and return the resulting string. You may assume words are separated by a single space. You MAY NOT use the shuffle function found in python's random module

+1  A: 

Not sure how the Python syntax would fit, but using Java, you would tokenize the String on the space delimiter, then use a random index less than the length of the token array, and access that element of the token array, pop it, print it, and repeat until the token array was empty.

+1  A: 

It's a really simple algorithm:

  • Split the Sentence at every space (don't know about jython but both java and python have built-in functions for that)
  • Shuffle the Array
  • Join the resulting string array
  • Print the new string

For which part do you need help exactly?


Algorithm for shuffling

  • Create a new (empty) Array
  • While there are items in the old Array
  • Take a random Number between 0 and the Number of Items in the old Array -1
  • Remove the item from the old array and push it to the end of the new array
  • Repeat until there are no more items in the old Array

There are more advanced and definatly more efficient shuffling algorithms but this simple algorithm should get you started.

I think he was looking for explicit alternative algorithm to using shuffle.
Sorry, the part I need help with is the randomizing part. Im not allowed to use a shuffle function and I do not know what to use besides that.
@carson: Try googling for "shuffle algorithm" or so.
+1  A: 

Regarding shuffling - one idea is to go over the list of items (for i in range(len(lst))) and for each element at position i, swap it with random element (say at position randrange(len(lst)) )

Regarding swapping two variables, remember in Python you can do a,b = b,a and that works - instead of temp=a; a=b; b=temp you have to do in other languages.

Regarding separating the words, it's as easy as strVar.split() and re-assembling as easy as ' '.join(lst).

I am not including the exact code, since this being a homework you are expected to do the work... but with above in mind should be easy, no?

Nas Banov
+2  A: 

You should look at Wikipedia's article on the Fisher-Yates shuffle. It's efficient and simple. Here's the psuedo-code they give:

To shuffle an array a of n elements:
for i from n - 1 downto 1 do
     j ← random integer with 0 ≤ j ≤ i
     exchange a[j] and a[i]

It should be easy enough to convert to Python.

Brendan Long