



I have a Silverlight application that I need to embed some less-than-common fonts in. It's simple enough for me to just copy over the TTF/OTF and compile that with my app. However, in many cases, only like 5-10 of the characters are actually used. In other cases, some font files are incredibly large (Arial Unicode MS Regular is 22.1 MB, as an example). Fast download times of my app is really important, so optimizing the fonts used is paramount.

So, what I was thinking is that I've seen in applications like Expression Blend where a <Glyph/> is used to create a read-only font and you can also just choose embed only certain characters. In other circumstances, I've seen people use fonts that only contained certain characters as a sub-set of the full font (and not use a <Glyph/> in Silverlight, but rather just use the sub-set .TTF as <FontFamily/>.) That's kind of what I'm after, except I'm not using Expressions.

I'm not looking for sneaky workarounds, like exporting to an XPS file and grabbing the .odtff file.

Is there a programmatic way (.NET/GDI+) to create a sub-set of a font with only certain characters and compile it out to a .TTF/.OTF? Also, this would need to work for .TTC files as well.

+2  A: 

The native API CreateFontPackage may be what you're looking for. You can pass a TTF and a list of characters to keep. If you pass TTFCFP_SUBSET for usSubsetFormat, you'll then get back a working TTF with only those characters.

Here's a thread with what appears to be code of a working example (in C, unfortunately).

This is interesting, thanks for the link. Was hoping something would be in .NET, or at least an example of using this from .NET.
@Otaku: [This post]( has the necessary P/Invoke code (see second post) to use the API in .NET.
Thanks Josh, I'll take a good look at this.
+3  A: 

In WPF for fonts there are static and dynamic linking. It all can be defined in Blend. With static linking of fonts only needed characters are compiled and embedded in your assembly. With dynamic linking all font set is embedded. So try to set static linking for selected fonts and try if it works.


Try to add the following code into you .csproj file. Here we including Tahoma fonts. AutoFill property set to true says that we will embed in assembly only used characters of our controls. The set of chars in <Charachters/> tag fill point to include these chars into assembly. All other tags set to false, because we don't need them.

    <BlendEmbeddedFont Include="Fonts\tahoma.ttf">
    <BlendEmbeddedFont Include="Fonts\tahomabd.ttf">
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\Expression\Blend\3.0\WPF\Microsoft.Expression.Blend.WPF.targets" />
Eugene Cheverda
I looked at and it specifically states that WPF doesn't have the ability to create subset fonts. I'm also not using Blend at all for this, so I'm looking for a way to do this programmatically in .NET.
See update. If you not using Blend this may help you (I hope).
Eugene Cheverda
This looks *really* promising - in fact, if I could get it to work, this would be exactly what I need. This page gives a sample: The sample works, but when I try to do this on my own in a seperate project, it fails. I don't get a `<BlendEmbeddedFont/>` from the IDE, but even manually adding it doesn't work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Try to install MS Expression Blend at least trial version in order this extension to appear.
Eugene Cheverda
Yeah, I tried that. No luck. Do you get **BlendEmbeddedFont** in Build Action the IDE when adding a font?
No, I haven't on my home machine, only at work (i have installed Blend 3.0). You should look to `<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\Expression\Blend\3.0\WPF\Microsoft.Expression.Blend.WPF.targets" />` this kind of tags. Experiment with them and take a look to versions of your software, i mean if you have SL 4.0 then use appropriate. Get example from CP and try to find out what is needed to use this extension.
Eugene Cheverda
Yeah, I'll be toying around with it to see if I can get it to work.
What environment do you have on your machine, I mean versions of VS, SL and Blend?
Eugene Cheverda
Win XP, VS2008 w/SP1, SL3, SL 3 SDK, Expressions Blend 3 (Trial)
Finally got it to work - beautiful! Note: Expressions Blend is not needed - just the Blend 3.0 or 4.0 SDK (free) will work.
Great! I'm glad for you! Thanks for note.
Eugene Cheverda

FontForge ( is an open source font editor that allows for automated format conversions. It looks like it is Python only but it might be worth checking out.
