



I am a PHP guy. In PHP I mainly use Doctrine ORM to deal with database issues. I am considering move to Python + Django recently. I know Python but don't have experience with Django. Can anyone who has good knowledge of both Doctrine and ORM in Django give me a comparison of features of these two ORM implementations?


Django isn't just an orm. It is a web framework like symfony. The form framework in symfony is modeled on django for example. It's orm part is more like doctrine 2 I think, but I haven't played with either much.

@johnwards - I know Django is a framework, and it is probably the best framework of Python. Playing with DB is a very important issue in web development. And Doctrine is doing a good job for this. What I want to know is that, is the ORM implementation in Django as awesome as Doctrine?

The Django ORM does everything I want it to do. I've found it to be easier to use and more straight-forward than Doctrine. Sorry that I can't help with an in-depth comparison.

If you find the Django ORM is missing a feature you'd like to have, check out SQL Alchemy. It can easily be used with Django.

Alex JL