




I am currently trying to specify custom error messages in grails for the default constraints but so far all I get back is the default error message.

I know that I have to edit the grails-app/i18n/ file

If I change the following default error codes message, it will correctly display the new error message

default.blank.message=Property [{0}] of class [{1}] cannot be blank

However, this is not what I am trying to do. I need more granular error reporting and have more than one field that can be blank etc. What I would like to be able to do would be, display custom messages for each field in a class

package com.mycompany.myapp

class Test{

 String name
 def constraints = {
 name(nullable:false, blank:false)

(following codes appended to end of cannot be blank cannot be nullable

According to the grails documentation this should work correctly, either with or without the package name - className.propertyName.blank (constraints section) & (section 7.4 - validation & internationalization)

I have tried all comnbinations that I can think of, but it always displays the custom message

I have also tried installing the grails i18n templates plugin

which generated the error codes automatically for me. I appended the new error codes to the end of the existing file but I still get the default error messages.

However, there was something different with the error codes that were generated by the plugin.

instead of the format specified in the grails doc -, it automatically generated Message

I have also tried deleting the default error messages completely, but they are still displayed

If anyone has experienced this issue before, I would appreciate any help that anyone can give me

Thanks in advance


It might be that your constraints aren't static - it should be specified as "static constraints = { ..."

Also note that nullable defaults to false so you don't need to specify that.

Burt Beckwith
Sorry, that was a mistake in the example above. I am actually using static constraints in my real code.Thanks for the nullable informationThe updated example would bepackage com.mycompany.myappclass Test{ String name static constraints = { name(blank:false) }}

I use fully qualified class names in my

com.shareyourlove.User.password.blank=Some custom message
Thanks for the suggestion, I have already tried this and any combination that I can think of. The grails doc (section 7.4) also specifies that "The class name is looked for both with and without a package, with the packaged version taking precedence."So if the documentation is correct, it shouldnt matter whether the class name is specified or not.The i18n plugin also generates the error codes without the package name, except it would be in this cannot be blank
I have managed to create a new app which uses scaffolding and get the custom error messages returned to the web interface, however, the error messages that are written to the console/error log still display the default error messages. And I am still not sure what is wrong with my existing application

put def messageSource (in controller or service)

println  messageSource.getMessage(it, null)

I also found a good link which explains this better