I wrote some code that filters a province/state select field after you choose a country:
var cache = {};
function updateProvinceOptions($select, values, initial) {
for(i in values) {
$select.append('<option value="'+values[i][0]+'">'+values[i][1]+'</option>');
$('<select class="province" />').insertBefore('.province').change(function() { // insert select boxes beside hidden province inputs
$(this).siblings('input.province').val($(this).val()); // update hidden input with current value
$('.country').change(function() {
var $countrySel = $(this);
var $provSel = $countrySel.parent().parent().next().children('td').children('select.province');
var $provInput = $provSel.siblings('input.province');
var country = $countrySel.val();
var province = $provInput.val();
if(country in cache) {
updateProvinceOptions($provSel, cache[country], province);
else {
$.getJSON('/get-provinces.json', {'country':country}, function(provinces) {
cache[country] = provinces;
updateProvinceOptions($provSel, provinces, province);
It even caches the results so that if you, say, choose Canada, then US, and then Canada again, it doesn't have to hit the server for the list of Canadian provinces a second time. However, I'm displaying 3 of these on the page at the same time. When the page first loads, there's nothing in cache, so all 3 of em hit the server for a list of provinces because none of the ajax calls have returned yet.
Is there a relatively simple way to tell it to "wait" if an ajax call for that country is already in progress? Or should I even bother?