Using ArgoUML, I very quickly created this trivial representation of a few Domain classes (Person, Store, Product) and their relationships.
I'm struggling with the implementation of the relationships. Below was my initial approach for the Person domain, but it seems that I am missing something important.
class PersonToPerson {
Person from
Person to
String relation
static constraints = {
relation(inList:["Friend to", "Enemy of", "Likes", "Hates"])
static belongsTo = [ Person ]
class Person {
String firstName
String secondName
static hasMany= [ personToPerson:PersonToPerson,
personToStore:PersonToStore ]
Edit: updated question for clarity
After thinking on the problem I think I have a better way to ask the question(s). In the implementation of PersonToPerson above I have the relation as a simple string. I want the user to be able to select from a list of unique relations, which are defined in the constraints, for the string value for PersonToPerson. So this leads to the questions...
- Should personToPerson and personToStore be consolidated into one list of type Relationship? Or should they stay independent lists as shown?
- What is the mechanism to allow the user to add new values to the relation constraint?