



Hi -

Assistance required for a NAnt newbie struggling to resolve the dreaded message:

'Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "FileTranslator.Properties.Resources.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly ...' 8)

VS2010, C#, Net 4.0, NAnt 0.91 alpha 1 (unmodified).

  1. The solution consists of a console application with several associated DLLs.
  2. A number of the projects include embedded resource strings input via the project Properties / Resources.
  3. The resultant Resources.resx file is flagged as an 'Embedded Resource' along with [currently] 'Do not copy' though I have tried all settings i.e. Copy always, copy if newer etc.

I have tried both:

  1. return Properties.Resources.DEFAULT_RECIPIENT; and
  2. return rm.GetString("DEFAULT_RECIPIENT"); where rm = ResourceManager.

My results thus far:

  1. The IDE solution build works fine.
  2. The NAnt build using the 'exec' command to execute MSBuild works fine.
  3. The following NAnt build using the 'csc' command fails with the dreaded message.

    <!-- compile the application -->
    <target name="compile" depends="compile_ClassFactory" description="compiles the FileTranslator .exe">
      <property name="curr.dll" value="FileTranslatorConsole" />
      <resgen todir="src\${curr.dll}">
          <include name="src\${curr.dll}\**\*.resx" />
      <csc target="exe" output="${target.dir}\${projname}.exe" keyfile="src\\${curr.dll}`\\${curr.dll}SNK.snk" debug="${debug}" verbose="true">
        <sources basedir="src\${curr.dll}">'
          <include name="**\*.cs" />
          <include name="${build.dir}\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
          <exclude name="**\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
          <include name="src\FileTranslatorConsole\Resources.resources" />
          <include name="src\FileTranslatorConsole\app.config" />
          <include name="${target.dir}\*.dll" />

Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted