



If the .NET 4 Framework is not installed, the application bring a message, but if only the client framework is installed and the application need the Full Framework, nothing happend and the application starts.

Is there a way to check if .NET 4 Full Framework is installed on the target system and not only the Client Framework?

I search a solution to check it with the "app.manifest" file or in C# on program start.

Thanks for any help!


Go to your Project Properties screen (Main menu Project/Properites) and then select the Publish tab. Click on the "Prerequisites" button you'll note in the list that the check box for "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (x86 and x64)" is already checked.

Tick the checkbox for "Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (x86 and x64)" above it.

Then republish your projeect.

On installation it should now check for the full framework and install it if not present.
