
Alternative to HttpUtility for .NET 3.5 SP1 client framework?

It'd be really nice to target my Windows Forms app to the .NET 3.5 SP1 client framework. But, right now I'm using the HttpUtility.HtmlDecode and HttpUtility.UrlDecode functions, and the MSDN documentation doesn't point to any alternatives inside of, say, System.Net or something. So, short from reflectoring the source code and copying it...

Checking "Client-only Framework subset" in C# project properties have no effect (VS2008), is this normal?

Hi, I wanted to try to deploy our project for .net 3.5 client framework (so that we could distribute it with smaller runtime), but when I go to VS 2008 Project properties and check the “Client-only Framework subset” checkbox (and click Save all), it has no effect - the .csproj file does not change (the diff for whole project is empty), a...

Check .NET 4 Full Framework is installed

If the .NET 4 Framework is not installed, the application bring a message, but if only the client framework is installed and the application need the Full Framework, nothing happend and the application starts. Is there a way to check if .NET 4 Full Framework is installed on the target system and not only the Client Framework? I search ...

Can a webservice be called from the .Net 4 Client Profile?

Is there a way to call a webservice from a .Net 4 Client Profile client? My understanding is that System.Web is not available in the Client Profile 4. ...