I'm setting up OAuth for my Android app. To test it I did the following: Added signpost-core- and signpost-commonshttp4- to my project, added the variables "CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer consumer" and "CommonsHttpOAuthProvider provider" and did the following when the button is clicked:
consumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer("xxx", "yyy");
provider = new CommonsHttpOAuthProvider("https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token",
oauthUrl = provider.retrieveRequestToken(consumer, "myapp://twitterOauth");
this.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(oauthUrl)));
persistOAuthData() does the following:
protected void persistOAuthData()
FileOutputStream providerFOS = this.openFileOutput("provider.dat", MODE_PRIVATE);
ObjectOutputStream providerOOS = new ObjectOutputStream(providerFOS);
FileOutputStream consumerFOS = this.openFileOutput("consumer.dat", MODE_PRIVATE);
ObjectOutputStream consumerOOS = new ObjectOutputStream(consumerFOS);
catch (Exception e) { }
So, the consumer and the provider are saved before opening the browser, like described here.
In the onResume() method I load the provider and consumer data and do the following:
Uri uri = this.getIntent().getData();
if (uri != null && uri.getScheme().equals("myapp") && uri.getHost().equals("twitterOauth"))
verifier = uri.getQueryParameter(oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER);
if (!verifier.equals(""))
provider.retrieveAccessToken(consumer, verifier);
catch (OAuthMessageSignerException e) {
} catch (OAuthNotAuthorizedException e) {
} catch (OAuthExpectationFailedException e) {
} catch (OAuthCommunicationException e) {
So, what works: 1) I do get a requestToken and a requestSecret. 2) I do get the oauthUrl. 3) I am directed to the browser page to authorize my app 4) I am getting redirected to my app. 5) I do get the verifier. But calling retrieveAccessToken(consumer, verifier) fails with an OAuthCommunicationException saying "Communication with the service provider failed: null".
Does anyone know what might be the reason? Some people seem to have problems getting the requestToken, but that just works fine. I wonder if it might be a problem that my app has also included the apache-mime4j-0.6.jar and httpmime-4.0.1.jar which I need for multipart upload.