I would suggest separating your code based on the functionality and purpose specific to each sheet or module. In this manner, you would only put code relative to a sheet's UI inside the sheet's module and only put code related to modules in respective modules. Also, use separate modules to encapsulate code that is shared or reused among several different sheets.
For example, let's say you multiple sheets that are responsible for displaying data from a database in a special way. What kinds of functionality do we have in this situation? We have functionality related to each specific sheet, tasks related to getting data from the database, and tasks related to populating a sheet with data. In this case, I might start with a module for the data access, a module for populating a sheet with data, and within each sheet I'd have code for accessing code in those modules.
It might be laid out like this.
Module: DataAccess:
Function GetData(strTableName As String, strCondition1 As String) As Recordset
'Code Related to getting data from the database'
End Function
Module: PopulateSheet:
Sub PopulateASheet(wsSheet As Worksheet, rs As Recordset)
'Code to populate a worksheet '
End Function
Sheet: Sheet1 Code:
Sub GetDataAndPopulate()
'Sample Code'
Dim rs As New Recordset
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim strParam As String
Set ws = ActiveSheet
strParam = ws.Range("A1").Value
Set rs = GetData("Orders",strParam)
PopulateASheet ws, rs
End Sub
Sub Button1_Click()
Call GetDataAndPopulate
End Sub