



Starting from the base OpenGL ES iPhone project in XCode, I am creating an app which is nearly completed. What I don't understand is the use of views, view controllers, and windows which I apparently need to implement to use iAds (for the iPhone) and AdMob (for the iPad).

I was able to follow the AdMob tutorial using the Interface Builder, and it works though I don't understand how. I need to be able to rotate the ad so that it appears on the bottom of the screen when the phone is held in landscape and simply resizing the box in IB doesn't work obviously.

So I guess my questions are:

  1. Can someone please explain or point me to a tutorial that isn't in Apple's awful documentation that explains views, view controllers and windows?
  2. My AdMob ad is currently "contained" (I guess?) inside my GLView which is inside my Window. The ad works but I need it to display in landscape like my game. How do I do this?
  3. How do I setup a view controller or view to support an iAd?

I realize this is long but I really need the help, thank you so much.