I was looking through a number of websites, but i couldn't find out how to use a toggle panel to change the visibility of another element. Please see the example..
<rich:togglePanel switchType="client"
stateOrder="panelOneOff, panelOneOn">
<f:facet name="panelOneOff">
<h:outputText value="Start"/>
<f:facet name="panelOneOn">
<rich:toggleControl switchToState="panelOneOff">
<h:outputText value="Close"/>
<rich:effect name="hideDiv" for="toggleAccordingToTheTogglePanel" type="Fade" />
<rich:effect name="showDiv" for="toggleAccordingToTheTogglePanel" type="Appear" />
<div id="toggleAccordingToTheTogglePanel">
please show me on start and hide me on Close
What listeners will work to call the hideDiv() or showDiv() javascript functions so the DIV-Element at the end will appear or fade out?
update It be run on jboss 5.1 using richfaces 3.3.2