I'm pretty new to NLP in general, but getting really good at Perl, and I was wondering what kind of powerful NLP modules are out there. Basically, I have a file with a bunch of paragraphs, and some of them are people's biographies. So, first I need to look for a person's name, and that helps with the rest of the process later.
So I was roughly starting with something like this:
foreach $PPid (0 .. $PPscalar) {
$paragraph = @PP[$PPid];
if ($paragraph =~ /^(\w+ \w\. \w+|\w+ \w+)( also|)( has served| served| worked| joined| currently serves| has| was| is|, )/){
$possibleName = $1;
$badName = 0;
foreach $piece (@pieces){
if ($possibleName =~ /$piece/){
$badName = 1;
if ($badName == 0){
push @namePile, $possibleName;
Because most of the names start at the beginning of the paragraphs. And then I'm looking for keywords that denote action or possession, but right now, that picks up extra junk that is not a name. There has to be a module to do this, right?