You might change the headline to 'JSONP' instead of JSON. That's what you want.
JSONP hijacks cross domain fetches like this to work, without server proxies, by carrying the data in fetches. It's like the most hackish useful technology I come to mind, right now. :)
I nagged Skype about this - the easiest way out would be for their servers to have an official, documented JSONP interface. I hope they'll do that.
In the mean time, this is how I got the problem solved:
$enable_native = true;
$valid_url_regex = '/^http:\/\/mystatus\.skype\.com\/myuserid.*/';
This allows it to fetch (via curl running on the server) the (or .txt) information.
- Fetching from JS with URL:
That's it. Pheeew... :)