



Looking to prototype a piece of software that works on a three dimensional canvas, with various tools and dialogs that manipulate the model.

Looking for a platform with the basic set of user interface tools already available - basic model manipulation (selecting, moving, redimensioning) - dialog boxes, forms, modal windows, etc.

On top of this, I'll need an API for plugging in new tools that can operate against the model. Ability to use the API with some sufficiently well developed OO language.

What platforms, tools, or libraries would you recommend for this?


I don't know of any toolset that combines 3D modelling with the classic panoply of 2D user-interface elements. The closest I've seen is Blender, which is focues on helping users create 3D models (geometry), but it does have some of those user-interface elements, and it is open source.

Norman Ramsey