I've got two tables
plant_ID | name.
1 | tree
2 | shrubbery
20 | notashrubbery
area_ID | name | plants
1 | forrest | *needhelphere*
now I want the area to store any number of plants, in a specific order and some plants might show up a number of times: e.g 2,20,1,2,2,20,1
Whats the most efficient way to store this array of plants?
Keeping in mind I need to make it so that if I perform a search to find areas with plant 2, i don't get areas which are e.g 1,20,232,12,20 (pad with leading 0s?) What would be the query for that?
if it helps, let's assume I have a database of no more than 99999999 different plants. And yes, this question doesn't have anything to do with plants....
Bonus Question Is it time to step away from MySQL? Is there a better DB to manage this?