



I have a UserControl that I want to participate in data binding. I've set up the dependency properties in the user control, but can't get it work.

The uc displays the correct text when I call it with static text (e.g BlueText="ABC") . When i try to bind it to a local public property, it is always blank.

<src:BlueTextBox BlueText="Feeling blue" />            <!--OK-->
<src:BlueTextBox BlueText="{Binding Path=MyString}" /> <!--UserControl always BLANK!-->
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=MyString}" Width="100"/>  <!--Simple TextBox Binds OK-->

I've boiled the code down to the following simplified example. Here is the XAML of the UserControl:

    <UserControl x:Class="Binding2.BlueTextBox" ...
        <TextBox x:Name="myTextBox" Text="{Binding BlueText}" Foreground="Blue" Width="100" Height="26" />

Here is the code behind of the UserControl:

public partial class BlueTextBox : UserControl
    public BlueTextBox()
        DataContext = this; // shouldn't do this - see solution

    public static readonly DependencyProperty BlueTextProperty =
        DependencyProperty.Register("BlueText", typeof(string), typeof(BlueTextBox));

    public string BlueText
        get { return GetValue(BlueTextProperty).ToString(); }
        set { SetValue( BlueTextProperty, value.ToString() ); }

This seems like it should be really easy, but I can't make it work. Thanks for your help!

More info: When i was trying the fix suggested by Eugene, I noticed some peculiar behavior. I added a PropertyChangedCallback to the metadata; this allows me to watch the value of BlueText getting set. When setting the string to a static value (="feeling blue") the PropertyChanged event fires. The data binding case does not fire PropertyChanged. I think this means the data-bound value is not getting sent to the UserControl. (I think the constructor does not get called in the static case)

Solution: The problems were correctly identified by Arcturus and jpsstavares. First, I was overwriting the data binding when is set DataContext=this in the constructor of the control. This prevented the data bound value from getting set. I also had to name the control x:Name=root, and specify the Binding ElementName=root int the XAML. To get the TwoWay binding, I needed to set Mode=TwoWay in the caller. Here is the correct code:

<src:BlueTextBox BlueText="{Binding Path=MyString, Mode=TwoWay}}" /> <!--OK-->

Now the XAML in the UserControl:

    <UserControl x:Class="Binding2.BlueTextBox" x:Name="root"...
        <TextBox x:Name="myTextBox" Text="{Binding ElementName=root, Path=BlueText}" Foreground="Blue" Width="100" Height="26" />

Finally I removed the DataContext=this in the constructor of the UserControl.

    public BlueTextBox()
        //DataContext = this; -- don't do this

Thanks everyone for the tremendous help!


Possibly you need to add to your property FrameworkPropertyMetadata where specify FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender and AffectsMeasure.

FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions enumeration MSDN article

Eugene Cheverda
Tried setting both AffectsRender and AffectsMeasure, but this did not have any effect. Thanks.
+2  A: 

I think in this case you need to set the ElementName property in the binding. Something like this:

<UserControl x:Class="Binding2.BlueTextBox" x:Name="blueTextBox"...
    <TextBox x:Name="myTextBox" Text="{Binding ElementName=blueTextBox, Path=BlueText}" Foreground="Blue" Width="100" Height="26" />
+3  A: 

You set the DataContext in the Control to itself, thus overwriting the DataContext when using this Control in other controls. Taking your binding as example in your situation:

<src:BlueTextBox BlueText="{Binding Path=MyString}" /> 

Once loaded and all the Datacontext is set, it will look for the path MyString in your BlueTextBox thing control due to you setting the DataContext to it. I guess this is not how you intended this to work ;).


Change the text binding either one of the 2 bindings:

{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type src:BlueTextBox}}, Path=BlueText}


Name your control Root (or something like that)

<UserControl x:Name="Root"

{Binding ElementName=Root, Path=BlueText}

And remove the

DataContext = this;

from the constructor of your UserControl and it should work like a charm..
