Let's say I am making a Use Case
about filling a quiz. You have only 5 minutes to fill that quiz. When doing the Use Case
for "Filling the Quiz", how should I signal there is a time limit and that after that the Use Case
is finished? I simply write it by text or is there anything more formal to use?
Sketch of what my Use Case can be:
1. The Actor tells the System he's ready to start the quiz.
2. The System presents the Actor with the first question of the Quiz and its 4 possible answers and tells him how much time he has left.
3. The Actor tells the System what is his chosen answer (a number between 1 and 4).
Repeat steps 2-3 until there are no questions left.
4. The System registers the results of the quiz.
I could just put operations between all those shown above to check whenever the time left is over, but there is probably a better way to show this.