




i am a professional in web software development but know little about hosting.

I selected Bluehost because of good reviews. Every day i experience between 30 min and 2 hour downtime, which is in direct contradiction to all i read about this Hoster. My problem now, how do i find the right hoster.

  1. What are the types of Hosters? In sequence from the simplest to the best ones? Smth. like:

    • Shared
    • Virtual Private
    • Dedicated
    • etc
  2. Which Hoster would you suggest as the best for each type (from own experience)?

  3. Which hoster can provide least to none down-time of my web pages? Thus far, i found that many hosters "cheat" until you really ask the right questions:

    • Bluehost said we guarantee up-time but in general, i.e. for nobody, just average uptime. Thats just bad
    • Another hoster said "we guarantee 99.99 up-time". And as i asked what if they fail me, they said "we give your money back for that month" (which is 5 USD / month :) ). That is equally bad

please help me with my little problem:)

Thank you