Ok, now I know how to display images on ONE /myurl/ in Django as a list (YEAH!)
But how can I display ONE Image per url with a button to click to the next image etc.
So basically I would want to come to the first /urlstart/:
text and a next button.
brings user to e.g. /urlstart/1
There the first image of a List is displayed and below that a button.
That brings user to /urlstart/2
Here the next image of a list is displayed.
How does the url.py regex part have to look like so this is possible? How does the view has to be tweaked to get 1 List of Images but multiple urls?
And finally if anybody has implemented this with a down loadable and installable module/library, like e.g. photologue (which unfortunately did not work for me) or any better idea than that I would be really happy to get some insights on how to make this fast and efficient.
Thanks so much to everybody who takes the time to answer!