Hi. I have a Spring Annonted Controller that is used to capture the information from a form and get a list of search results from the database.
Here is the definition of the method
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = {SUBMIT_BTN })
public ModelAndView processForm(@ModelAttribute(COMMAND_NAME){
// 1. Load search results using search parameters from form (Contained in a collection of some sort)
// 2. Create the ModelAndView
// 3. Redirect with RequestView or redirect: to generate a GET.
I think I need to redirect with redirect: since i have a list of items in a collection store in the session. Cannot add that as a url request param.
Basically I'm trying to prevent problems whith the back button where it says that the page is expired. I want to implement the PRG pattern in strings.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around converting the POST into a GET. Can I just redirect or do I need two methods? Thanks for any help you can provide.