



Simply, what's the best (quickest) way to deploy an application (EAR), in a development environment, to two Weblogic 10 managed servers that are part of a cluster? I've tried the autodeploy directory, but as I understand it that only deploys to the admin server.


There are ant tasks available to deploy to WebLogic.

This article is a bit dated but the tools still exist for more modern versions as far as I know.

You know there's a "manager" application (aka the WebLogic Console)? The ant task basically uses that like a Web Service to do the same kind of operations you'd do by hand in the (Web) Console.

Carl Smotricz
Yeah, that's the basic idea, see my solution below for the details.

I was already using ant for building the project so the most efficient thing seemed to be using the ANT deployment scripts for weblogic. The only issue I had was getting the WLDeploy task to be defined. I originally include all the jars in the weblogic server library, but then after some googling narrowed it down to the two you see. I'm didn't check to see if both are actually necessary, but it's working this way. I'll go back and double check later.

<target name="deploy">
    <path id="wl.deploy.path">
        <fileset file="${env.WL_HOME}\server\lib\weblogic.jar" />
        <fileset file="${env.WL_HOME}\server\lib\webservices.jar" />
    <taskdef name="wldeploy" classname="">
        <classpath refid="wl.deploy.path" />
        action="deploy" verbose="false" debug="false"
        name="${}" source="${deploy.dir}/goip.ear"
        user="weblogic" password="weblogic"
        adminurl="t3://localhost:7001" targets="GO_Cluster1">

I also tried using the hotdeploy directory, but as I understand it that directory only deploys to the admin server, not to a cluster, so it didn't fit my needs.
