I'm looking into way to track events in a django application (events would generally be clicks tied to a specific unique user id).
These events would essentially contain an event type like "click" and then each click event would be assigned to a unique id (many events can go to one id) and each event would have a data set including items like referrer etc...
I have tried mixpanel, but for now the data api they are offering seems too limiting as I can't seem to find a way to get all of my data out by a unique id (apart from the event itself).
I'm looking into using django-eventracker, but curious about any others thought on the best way to do this. Mongo or CouchDb seem like a great choice here, but the celery/rabbitmq looks really attractive with mongo. Pumping these events into the existing applications db seems limiting at this point.
Anyways, this is just a thread to see what others thoughts are on this and how they have implemented something like this...