I have array that element is hash
a = [{:history_date=>"15/07/10"}, {:open_price=>"7.90"}]
I want to convert to this
h = {:history_date=>"15/07/10", :open_price=>"7.90"}
someone please help me.
I have array that element is hash
a = [{:history_date=>"15/07/10"}, {:open_price=>"7.90"}]
I want to convert to this
h = {:history_date=>"15/07/10", :open_price=>"7.90"}
someone please help me.
How about:
h = a.inject(&:merge)
Each hash in the array is merged into the previous hash until we get down to one element. &:merge
is shorthand for the following, which may be easier to understand, but is slightly longer:
h = a.inject { |all, element| all.merge(element) }