I am about to enter into a contract which includes the following section about "work for hire"
COMPANY desires to contract [NAME] (“Contractor”) to perform work for hire on a project basis. This work is in connection with information technology work performed for COMPANY and its clients.
- Contractor will perform services regarding this work and agrees that his work for hire becomes the property of COMPANY.
This answer seems to say that it code written would be a "work for hire" even though it isn't listed in the legal set of works.
The problem is that I work on many Open Source projects and build and maintain my own websites. I don't want to sign EVERYTHING I code from now on over to this company since that would mean I could no longer contribute to these (or my own) projects.
Is this a legitimate danger? If my all my code now belongs to them should I ask them to alter this to only include code write for them during the hours I'm employed?