The original string is passed as:
FileSystems\/\1K-blocks=5036316, FileSystems\/\Available=3295944, FileSystems\/\Filesystem=/dev/cciss/c0d0p2, FileSystems\/\Use%=32%
What I need as an output is:
/ 1K-blocks=5036316, / Available=3295944, / Filesystem=/dev/cciss/c0d0p2, / Use%=32%
but trying to delete the '\' with a regex is giving me all kinds of headaches. I keep ending up with:
Fi eSys ems/☺K-b o ks=5036316 Fi eSys ems/Avai ab e=3295944 Fi eSys ems/Fi esy
s em=/dev/ iss/ 0d0p2 Fi eSys ems/SE%=32%
Perl is apparently seeing it a a control or escape code and really screwing it up.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.