




Really hoping someone can provide some code sample or point me in the right direction (with examples C#.net). I did try to check if this question was asked before.. but didn't really find code samples which answered all my questions.

  1. Image folder for saved files -should this be in the solution or somewhere else
  2. What kind of data type - will vchar(150) for example for ok?
  3. What will be the typical/most ideal code to save the image in the folder location and write the image location in the db.

Not wholly sure what you mean but this could point you in the right direction:

1) Keep it in the solution unless it is to be called by more than application 2) Just use Varchar(Max) or NVarchar(Max) depending on your encoding type 3) You'll need: - In db, a stored procedure to write the image location to a table.In - In the C#, a connection object and a command object to call a stored procedure


If you use SQL Server 2008 I would use the filestream data type. It allows for what you want to do but totally integrated with the DB (you see the column -- image -- as a varbinary(MAX)).

I do not want to save the images in the DB, only in a folder and reference from DB.
With filestream this is exactly what it does (I think)... http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1489

NTFS - Suports multiple Data Streams for each file.

NetFrameWork do´nt include support for those streams.

You can use Interop to gain access to Alternate Data Streams.

Sample Csharp code on CodeProject: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/shell/csadsdetectorarticle.aspx

Note.: When you download a file from internet on Xp, the Dowloaded files has two Streams, MyFile and MyFile:Zone.Identifier

This stream contains some like this: [ZoneTransfer] ZoneId=3
