



I've been thinking for a while about how to go about implementing a deque (that is, a double-ended queue) as an immutable data structure.

There seem to be different ways of doing this. AFAIK, immutable data structures are generally hierarchical, so that major parts of it can be reused after modifying operations such as the insertion or removal of an item.

Eric Lippert has two articles on his blog about this topic, along with sample implementations in C#.

Both of his implementations strike me as more elaborate than is actually necessary. Couldn't deques simply be implemented as binary trees, where elements can only be inserted or removed on the very "left" (the front) and on the very "right" (the back) of the tree?

                              / \
                             …   …
                            /     \
                           …       …
                          / \     / \
              front -->  L   …   …   R  <-- back

Additionally, the tree would be kept reasonably balanced with rotations:

  • right rotations upon insertion at the front or upon removal from the back, and
  • left rotations upon removal from the front or insertion at the back.

Eric Lippert is, in my opinion, a very smart person whom I deeply respect, yet he apparently didn't consider this approach. Thus I wonder, was it for a good reason? Is my suggested way of implementing deques naïve?

+4  A: 

If you use a balanced binary tree, insertions and removals on both ends are O(lg N) (both average and worst case). The approach used in Eric Lippert's implementations is more efficient, running in constant time in the average case (the worst case still is O(lg N)).

Remember that modifying an immutable tree involves rewriting all parents of the node you are modifying. So for a deque, you do not want the tree to be balanced; instead you want the L and R nodes to be as close to the root as possible, whereas nodes in the middle of the tree can be further away.

+1 Very insightful, esp. the second paragraph of your answer. I'll take some time to think about the implications of this. Thank you!
+12  A: 
Fantastic answer.
Ron Warholic
Wow, I'm... quite baffled. It'll take me a lot of time to absorb all the material you've provided, but since that's sort of what I asked for that's fine. :) Thank you so much for taking the time to post such an elaborate answer!
+4  A: 

The other answers are all awesome. I will add to them that I chose the finger tree implementation of a deque because it makes an unusual and interesting use of the generic type system. Most data structures are recursive in their structure, but this technique puts the recursion also in the type system which I had not seen before; I thought it might be of general interest.

Eric Lippert
One interesting thing about this technique, which is sometimes called data-structural bootstrapping, is that when implemented naively it requires *polymorphic recursion*, which is not possible in languages like C++ due to the way templates are handled, but which apparently *is* possible in C#.Another interesting thing about this technique is that you can even use it to ensure more complicated invariants like the AVL or red-black balance conditions.This margin is too small to contain more details, but I will happily discuss this in more detail any time.
+1  A: 

Couldn't deques simply be implemented as binary trees, where elements can only be inserted or removed on the very "left" (the front) and on the very "right" (the back) of the tree?

Absolutely. A modified version of a height-balanced tree, AVL trees in particular, would be very easy to implement. However it means filling tree-based queue with n elements requires O(n lg n) time -- you should shoot for a deque which has similar performance characteristics as the mutable counterpart.

You can create a straightforward immutable deque with amortized constant time operations for all major operations using two stacks, a left and right stack. PushLeft and PushRight correspond to pushing values on the left and right stack respectively. You can get Deque.Hd and Deque.Tl from the LeftStack.Hd and LeftStack.Tl; if your LeftStack is empty, set LeftStack = RightStack.Reverse and RightStack = empty stack.

type 'a deque = Node of 'a list * 'a list    // '

let peekFront = function
    | Node([], []) -> failwith "Empty queue"
    | Node(x::xs, ys) -> x
    | Node([], ys) -> ys |> List.rev |> List.head
let peekRear = function
    | Node([], []) -> failwith "Empty queue"
    | Node(xs, y::ys) -> y
    | Node(xs, []) -> xs |> List.rev |> List.head
let pushFront v = function
    | Node(xs, ys) -> Node(v::xs, ys)
let pushRear v = function
    | Node(xs, ys) -> Node(xs, v::ys)
let tl = function
    | Node([], []) -> failwith "Empty queue"
    | Node([], ys) -> Node(ys |> List.rev |> List.tail, [])
    | Node(x::xs, ys) -> Node(xs, ys)

This is a very common implementation, and its very easy to optimize for better performance.

This implementation is discussed in the first Lippert blog post linked in the original question. Unfortunately, it can seesaw back and forth between having a large and full Left and an empty Right and a large and full Right and empty Left if a user pops an element off the Left when it is empty, then off the Right after a long Reverse operation, and so on. This means that the operations are not actually constant amortized time. However, in the code you posted above, you only allow popping off the front (no PeekRight or DequeRight). This is sometimes called a "steque" for stack+queue.