I know this error very well however this is the once time I'm stumped. I know that I can't call non-static variables from main method but this is confusing. Maybe you can help? That error is show on addInv(1);
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class item
public static int attack, defense;
public static ArrayList<String> arr;
public static String name, desc, typeOf, attackAdd, defenseAdd, canSell, canEat,earnedCoins,canEquip;
String stats[];
public static void main(String args[])
public void addInv(int e) {
String iname = getItem(1)[0];
String idesc = getItem(1)[1];
int itypeOf = Integer.parseInt(getItem(1)[2]);
int iattackAdd = Integer.parseInt(getItem(1)[3]);
int idefenseAdd = Integer.parseInt(getItem(1)[4]);
boolean icanSell = Boolean.parseBoolean(getItem(1)[5]);
boolean icanEat = Boolean.parseBoolean(getItem(1)[6]);
int iearnedCoins = Integer.parseInt(getItem(1)[7]);
attack = attack + iattackAdd;
defense = defense + idefenseAdd;
System.out.println("You picked up: " + iname);
System.out.println("Description: " + idesc);
// Types of Items
// 0 - Weapon
// 1 - Food
// 2 - Reg Item
// 3 - Helmet
// 4 - Armor Legs
// 5 - Chest Armor
// 6 - Shield
public String[] getItem(int e) {
String[] stats = new String[7];
String name = "Null";
String desc = "None";
String typeOf = "0";
String attackAdd = "0";
String defenseAdd = "0";
String canSell = "true";
String canEat = "false";
String earnedCoins = "0";
if (e == 1) {
name = "Pickaxe";
desc = "Can be used to mine with.";
typeOf = "2";
attackAdd = "2";
earnedCoins = "5";
return new String[] { name, desc, typeOf, attackAdd, defenseAdd, canSell, canEat, earnedCoins};