



Dear Knowledge Base,

I currently have two anchor tags sending url queries to put votes inside a database, but i want to switch to using forms to keep the urls clean and avoid duplicate queries (not really an issue, but makes it look ugly).

Now the anchors need to contain a span-tag inside to add additional background elements to the buttons (links) through css, therefore I can't use regular form-buttons.

Do you consider submitting these forms from the anchors with javascipt as bad practice? I can think of some other solutions, but they all doesn't seem worth the trouble. Should I keep a no-script fallback where users with javascript disabled get to send url queries instead (i really want to avoid url queries altogether)? If, then how would this best be executed?


+2  A: 

you can use <button> in your form. it can contain content, and you can style it as you like.

you can make it look exactly as the <a> you have now, but clicking it will submit a POST form. It is almost as if we have a <a> that does POST!

Thank you, you learn something new every day :) i've heard ie6 and ie7 are having problems styling the padding (which is essential in my case) in input-buttons. is this the case even for button-elements?
see IE box model bug. shouldn't be a problem if you declare proper DOCTYPE
+3  A: 

Doing your buttons this way should work:

<button type="submit" value="upvote">
  <span>Vote Up</span>

<button type="submit" value="downvote">
  <span>Vote Down</span>

You should endeavor to never submit a form with JavaScript, or at the very least, ensure that the functionality is available when it is turned off.

Thank you - can't believe I didn't know about this!
+1  A: 

I would recommend using the normal form submit button.
You can apply CSS to the button to make it look stylish or apply a background image.

I do not think the way you did it is a bad-practice. But the form will break for users who use add-ons like No-Script for Firefox.

There is wisdom in the above response. Noscript is kinda sneaky in that you never really know what you're missing out on unless you enable scripts for a site. It's good to make sure things degrade nicely without javascript.
the problem is that i need additional background styling, therefore i needed to be able to have an extra tag inside the submit-element. but that was only an issue until i just found out about the button-element. Thanks though :)