



I installed subversion on my Ubuntu server and I can use subclipse (1.6) in Eclipse Helios on Ubuntu and it works fine.

However when I try and use Subclipse (1.6) in Eclipse Helios on Windows, it doesn't work and I get errors.
In Windows when I use http://serverAddress/svn, I get an error saying folder doesn't exist and an error in the console saying:

Repository has been moved
svn: Repository moved permanently to 'http://serverAddress/svn/'; please relocate

When I use svn://serverAddress/svn, I get an issue as well.

Does anyone have any ideas?


This is not an Eclipse issue, but a SVN issue.

If you could see your repo in a web browser, the SVN FAQ mentions an httpd.conf error. But in your case:

I then created a subdirectory "projectx" under ~/webapps/svn with subdirectories "trunk", "branches" etc and then ran:

$ svn import projectx file:///home/<user>/webapps/svn/projectx -m "first import".

projectx/trunk etc showed up fine on Trac, and https://svn.&lt;user&gt; showed up fine in the browser, with proper authentication etc. All well and good.

However, when attempting to check out the project from trunk (using Tortoise SVN), I got this error:

Command: Checkout from https://svn.&lt;user&gt;, revision HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included  
Error: Repository moved permanently to   
Error: 'http://svn.&lt;user&gt;'; please relocate  

With the solution being:

You've created directories on the filesystem below your repo, eg ~/webapps/svn/projectx. That's the wrong way.

You should instead use 'svn mkdir' to create the directories.

If this is not enough, see also this SO question, where it mentions that the repository address is usually http://servername/svn/repositoryname, not http://servername/svn.

Thank you very much! When i change it to http://servername/svn/repository name I can then load the project that is already on. Is there a way though to view all of the projects in the svn and then choose one? I can do it in my ubunutu boot but not windows
@cninden: see if it help you with list all your repositories.