I'm using MAMP PRO on my OS X 10.6 with Espionage to encrypt my ~/Sites folder (where MAMP is pulling my virtual hosts from).
I'm having trouble having MAMP's Apache follow the symlink that Espionage automatically creates to /Volumes/EspionageMounts/lee/3042560432 (I believe this changes all the time, so cannot be static).
My 'Sites' folder is owned by lee/staff.
The volume Espionage mounts seems to be owned by the same.
I have set MAMP Pro to use user 'lee' for Apache.
FollwSymLinks is set in my test.dev virtual host.
And yet, any Apache request to test.dev/whatever.html yields a 403 Forbidden.
The Apache error logs shows:
[Sun Jul 18 08:39:14 2010] [error] [client] Symbolic link not allowed: /Users/lee/Sites
What am I missing?