



We are looking for a CMS with following features in mind.

  1. LDAP Auth
  2. Wysiwyg editor inside browser
  3. Can declare schema like faculty, students, courses, rooms, meetings, minutes, projects, papers, reports etc. along with presentation hooks
  4. Tags and date attributes
  5. Good search with tag and date restrictions.
  6. Be able to chop meeting minutes document into minute items via data entry mechanism or post facto (don't want to score whole doc wrt query but individual items discussed; tags associated with items too)
  7. Can extend using Java and JSP (preferred over PHP, Python, Ruby etc.)
  8. Keeps past versions preferably with diffs
  9. Easy backups

We have considered XWiki and JSPWiki. Would like to know what the community here would recommend.


Try to look at Alfresco -

Miro A.

Check out Brix-CMS. I don't know how many of your items it can do natively, but it is extremely extendable. It can be easily integrated into any Apache Wicket application, and just about any wicket component or panel can be easily included as a tile in a brix cms page. A quote from the site:

Most CMS are for building web sites. Brix CMS is for building web applications. Dynamic content is usually an afterthought for most CMS. It is central to Brix CMS. Brix allows for dynamic component-based tiles.


If it wasn't for your Java requirement, I'd say Drupal with a host of modules would work just fine.

John Fiala

You may also take a look at Jahia.
