



I was viewing the Channel9 video on an introduction to VS 2010 extensibility to learn a bit about creating extensions. In the video, the end "enhanced" product was supposedly using a tool window but it did not look like one; it had no titlebar or anything.

(Near the very end he's demoing it [36:03])

I am trying to create an extension that has its own UI window and I don't want it to be dockable (i.e. I want it to be its own independent floating window, basically).

I have a VSPackage that creates a tool window... is there a way I can just create my own WPF window when a menu command is clicked rather than a tool window?

If not, is there a way to customize the titlebar of the tool window to remove the "Window Position" button?

There's gotta be a way to do one or the other since the extension shown in the video has its own custom UI.

For the life of me no Google search or MSDN search has yielded any information and I am brand new to extension development.