




I'm a backend programmer and I'm finding it very difficult to understand CSS/HTML design/layout.

Are there tutorials where they display various designs/layouts and show the CSS/HTML code? A lot of programmers just google and copy code anyway, so it would be a time saver if there are sites that give me the code right away.

+2  A: 

I found this site helpful.


Shawn D.
+1  A: 

I suggest reading a book like CSS - The Definitive Guide. It isn't important to memorize what all the options do, or even remember what all the option are. However, it's important to realize what things are out there. Realizing the difference between things like margins and padding, and other impotant basic concepts can really help. And this book acts as a great reference even after you have read it , and have been working with CSS a long time. With CSS there's about 1,000 ways to do anything. The important thing is knowing what's possible, and being able to apply the features to get the job done.

+4  A: 

Googling and copying are one way of getting to a design, but far better is to understand what you are doing, both with the markup and styling of your pages (otherwise known as HTML/CSS), and with the actual look-and-feel and user experience. These are not trivial things, and you would do well to understand them more than a little before attempting to use them. The way your question reads demonstrates an attitude toward what real front-end UI engineers do that is indifferent at best and contempt at worst.

Not only that, but if you don't understand the HTML/CSS, how do you fix it when it breaks? I see this all too often. Somebody throws something together in FrontPage, with 15 level of nested tables, and then can't figure out how to fix it when something isn't working correctly. If all the HTML is human written from the start, by people who understand HTML+CSS, then the whole project is much easier to maintain, and you'll save a lot of time and frustration in the long run.