I will put my code in a simple way, but if any good soul wants to help the code is |on Github| /lib/inmotion/editor.js(line 99)
function Editor(){
var instance = this;
this.key_frames = [] // a list of key frames
this.kf = null // the current KeyFrame
function notice_click( click ){
instance.kf.add_bone( 1 ) // <-- error here
// instance.kf.list.push( 1 ) // <-- this works, but is incomplete
function KeyFrame(){
instance = this
instance.changed = false // for the redraw :)
instance.list = []
function add_bone( bone ){
instance.list.push( bone )
instance.changed = true
return true
My program has an unique Editor instance that has lots of instances of KeyFrames.
Each KeyFrame holds lots of bones.
So there is always one active KeyFrame, defined by instance of Editor.kf
As I only have one kf, I can add bones to that one with no problem, but as I add more KeyFrames I can only add_bone to the last kf I created! Why?
If I was not clear enough, I apologize, ask on doubt