



I have to create a master page for Sharepoint and include the correct HTML-attribute lang (html lang="en" e.g.). What is the best way to do this? Is there a resource like <%$Resources:wss, multipages_direction_dir_value %> used for html:dir? I don't want to create custom code for this.


Yes, you can use language resources for that. If I'm not mistaken, this is how the default SharePoint master pages are written

Vladi Gubler
I have taken a look at Sharepoint masterpages, but lang-attribute is not provided. Only the attribute html:dir, but not for language. So, i am looking for the resourcekey to provide languagekey... I could not find it yet :(
You can always create your own RESX files and add the translation for this property. You just create a resource file in Visual Studio, name it [yourname][your language].resx and put it under the App_GlobalResources, then you can reference it in the master page
Vladi Gubler

Hi Roland

In 2010 you have <%$Resources:wss,language_value%>

But there isn't any similar resource in the previous versions

Per Jakobsen
We use 2007... :( Thanks for this information, I will add a resourcekey myself.