




Since IEnumerable.Contains() method does not accept a predicate as an argument, Most people use the following code to check the existence of something matching a condition:

// ProductId is unique.
if (Products.Count(c => c.ProductId = 1234) == 1)
    // Products list contains product 1234.

This code forces to walk through every product and to check if it matches. There is really no need to do so.

When looking at Linq-to-SQL generated SQL code, there is the same problem. A select count(*) ... where ProductId = @p0 statement is sent, instead of if exists.

How is it possible through Linq to find if a set contains an item which matches a condition, without having to walk through every element in a set and count the number of matches?

+13  A: 

You could try

if (Products.Any(c => c.ProductId = 1234))
//do stuff

Not sure if that uses an if exists, but you can try and see what is sent.

It works. Sql query is `select (case when exists(...) then 1 else 0 end)`. Thank you.