



It's strange because I only get 1 error in IE: 'sTime is undefined'. sTime is the ID of one of the many input elements in my form. Everything works fine in Chrome and FF. Here's a link to the code:

and the form html:

<form id="addNewTruck" class='updateschedule' action="javascript:sub(sTime.value, eTime.value, lat.value, lng.value, street.value);"> 

    <b style="color:green;">Opening at: </b> 
        <input id="sTime" name="sTime" title="Opening time" value="Click to set opening time" class="datetimepicker"/> 

    <b style="color:red;">Closing at: </b> 
        <input id="eTime" name= "eTime" title="Closing time" value="Click to set closing time" class="datetimepicker"/> 

    <b style="color:blue;">Address: </b> 
        <input type='text' name='street' id='street' class='text street' autocomplete='off'/> 
        <input id='submit' class='submit' style="cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;" type="submit" value='Add new stop'/> 
    <div id='suggests' class='auto_complete' style='display:none'></div> 
        <input type='hidden' name='lat' id='lat'/> 
        <input type='hidden' name='lng' id='lng'/> 
        <input type='hidden' value='CA' name='state' id='state' class='text state' /> 

Thanks for your help!

+2  A: 
  • Try putting the JavaScript into the onsubmit event rather than action

  • Address the form elements less ambiguously in the JS, e.g. using this.elements.sTime. It could be that the element name is used elsewhere in the document.

Using onsubmit rather than action seems to allow IE to access the input elements. now ie dislikes the regex i use to format the dateString... any idea what may be causing that?
@culov nope, sorry. Maybe worth a separate question.

Javascript in form's action should work well. Maybe you should use instead of sTime.value the following:


Of course this means that this form is the first in your page (else you must change ...forms[0]... into ...forms['formname']... or ...forms[<form index>]...)
