




When we set disabled attribute for is set as true, in Firefox the button still looks like it is enabled but in IE it is working fine. Is it a limitation with Firefox or JSF.

+1  A: 

All JSF does is generating HTML/CSS/JS. Webbrowsers doesn't retrieve/understand JSF code at all. Style and look'n'feel is usually controlled using CSS. All you could do is to view the generated HTML/CSS/JS code for pointers related to the style of a disabled button. You could maybe create a plain vanilla HTML page to do some quick tests to exclude the one and other.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <input type="submit" disabled>

You can select a disabled submit button using the attribute selector [name=value] in CSS like so:

input[type=submit][disabled] {
    background: pink;

Test it like follows:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <style>input[type=submit][disabled] { background: pink; }</style>
        <input type="submit" disabled>

And apply the learnt things in JSF side.

sorry for a big gap....
as you said i tried the same, i installed firebug for mozilla. when i saw the attribute list there was no disabled attribute found in the firebug. But where as in IE developer toolbar of IE ,i could find that disabled attribute.