Background: I am making a VSTO 4.0 add in for Outlook 2007 which enables users to transfer their mail items to a CRM database.
Requirements: The installation has to be silent without users knowledge. It will be in a Custom Action in the Installer class or will run from shell command.
The problem: The installation occurs in silent mode but doesn't actually install the add in. The installation in non-silent mode completes successfully (but user gets a prompt)
Security: The manifests are signed with a enterprise-trusted certificate (*.pfx)
Error log: Message for silent installation: Exception: Customized functionality in this application will not work because it has not been granted trust. The certificate used to sign the deployment manifest is unknown, and the customization itself (FulcrumAddin) is not on the inclusion list. Contact your administrator for further assistance.
Final question: What are the requirements for the silent install to happen. What is the inclusion list (from: error log) and how does it help.