When I'm trying get method from remote webservice it gives me error.
My code is:
print self.stamp.datetime
while 1:
print 'getting ids...........'
fresh_ids=client.service.GetTopicsIDsUpdatedAfterDateTime(self.stamp.datetime,start,portion) #this line makes exception
if len(fresh_ids) is not 0:
for id in fresh_ids:
yield id
print 'No updated topics anymore'
There is trace-back:
in invoke(self, args, kwargs)
469 binding = self.method.binding.input
470 binding.options = self.options
--> 471 msg = binding.get_message(self.method, args, kwargs)
472 timer.stop()
473 metrics.log.debug(
in get_message(self, method, args, kwargs)
96 content = self.headercontent(method)
97 header = self.header(content)
---> 98 content = self.bodycontent(method, args, kwargs)
99 body = self.body(content)
100 env = self.envelope(header, body)
in bodycontent(self, method, args, kwargs)
61 p = self.mkparam(method, pd, value)
62 if p is not None:
---> 63 root.append(p)
64 n += 1
65 return root
in append(self, objects)
329 child.parent = self
330 continue
--> 331 raise Exception('append %s not-valid' %
332 return self
<type 'exceptions.Exception'>: append list not-valid
There is the method in suds module which raise Exeption:
def insert(self, objects, index=0):
Insert an L{Element} content at the specified index.
@param objects: A (single|collection) of attribute(s) or element(s)
to be added as children.
@type objects: (L{Element}|L{Attribute})
@param index: The position in the list of children to insert.
@type index: int
@return: self
@rtype: L{Element}
objects = (objects,)
for child in objects:
if isinstance(child, Element):
self.children.insert(index, child)
child.parent = self
raise Exception('append %s not-valid' % child.__class__.__name__)
return self
In console everything is going good. I'm stuck.
Ok i tryied make experimet:
def YieldID(self):
print self.stamp.datetime
fresh_ids=self.client.service.GetTopicsIDsUpdatedAfterDateTime(self.stamp.datetime,start,portion) #This work
while 1:
print 'getting ids...........'
fresh_ids=self.client.service.GetTopicsIDsUpdatedAfterDateTime(self.stamp.datetime,start,portion) # This raise exception
if len(fresh_ids)!=0:
for id in fresh_ids:
yield id
print 'No updated topics anymore'
I add calling of the same method before WHILE end it work. But when it go inside while gives me exception.
How it can work before loop, and don't work inside loop? That is the main question. What changed?
I tryied even change while to for