



I was wondering if my idea is possible with hibernate.

What I want is that there is one table with usernames and every table wich has a reference to this table has the username encrypted in a column. So the username doesn't stand in normal text but encrypted in every table which have a reference to the user table.

So I need something like:

@JoinColumn(name = "userName", insertable=false, updatable=false, encrypted="md5")
public User getUser(){
    return this.user;
public void setUser(User user ){
    this.user = user;

I hope that I make myself clear.

+1  A: 

You should implement this using a custom UserType and Jasypt (Java Simplified Encryption) actually provides a basic set of Hibernate UserType that may suit your needs.

See also

Pascal Thivent
Sounds as a solution, but I can't found anything about a @oneToMany and that one side is ecrypted. So in the usertable is no encryption on username but for example on userCategories there is. Do you think this is possible? thx
@michel I didn't pay enough attention to the question and should have mentioned that in my answer but the idea is to encrypt basic types, not entities (i.e. the `username` in the `User`, not the `User` entity itself).
Pascal Thivent
I don't want to encrypt whole entities but only the reference fields. but I don't think this is gonna work. I send a request to the developers of Jasypt. The @ManyToOne is not gonna work because he tries to resolve the User entity before decrypting. get the error: "No row with the given identifier exists:" thx for your answer